Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Love Saturdays

I always look forward to Saturdays because it is the only day I can sleep the longest, do whatever I like and sleep really late.  This particular Saturday was spent at  the dentist (guess why I like going to my dentist?), going to my favorite mall, eating my favorite Japanese food, and shopping!  I even got myself a Christmas gift:-)

Now looking forward to episodes of Season 3 of The Good Wife.


Anonymous said...

Hey Regina, I think you need to update your ticker. Looks like it's more than 25lbs already. You're looking great. Tama si Doc T.

regina said...

Wow , thanks SC! Haven't checked my weight kasi takot ako, I kinda ate a lot (except for carbs) the past week...

Lily said...

Aba Reg, seems it won't be long before you and SC are the same size! You are looking fantastic.

Don't worry about eating more than usual every now and then. Just remember to regroup the following day, and keep exercising.

Lily said...

BTW, love the watch. So stylish.

Regina said...

Thanks so much D! But wait, am still far from SC's weight and I don't think am going tonreach that. Re: watch, yes, love the watch!