Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Favorite Things

The photo wall at home beats any piece of art.  Beautiful memories fill our home.

Our travel books not only serve as sources of information but also nice decor and conversation pieces.

E and I spend a lot of time on TV, be it watching a TV show, a movie or a marathon of TV show episodes.  I've recently rediscovered Grey's Anatomy, and  however annoying how some characters are, especially Cristina Yang, we still can't stop watching...
My MacBook Air is a gadget I can spend hours with.  Online shopping, blogging, facebooking, tweeting, emailing and just surfing...  I still prefer it over the iPad.

My big bags!  However hard I try to downsize and edit, I still end up using my big bags...

Definitely my favorite room in the house, our  bedroom.  I especially love our bed and have just recently only purchased white linen.  It's one way I've discovered to simplify things at home.  I no longer have to have a complete set every time.  Everything I pull out of the cabinet is white:-)

 Home Fragrance, found in all rooms of our two homes, and even my office.  Definitely lifts up my spirit.

Saving the best for last, my iPhone!  I can't leave home without it.  Besides getting in touch with my loved ones through SMS and calls,  I also use this for getting in touch through email.  I also get and post updates through Twitter, Facebook and Blogger.  And, it also serves as my camera!

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